Dave Gibbel

I have never heard of David Gibble in the past until he called me. I soon found out that Dave was a pretty sharp guy and that we both had allot of the same interests. During our conversation He dropped a bombshell on me when he told me years ago he built a rocket belt and flew it un tethered. He just did it there was no fan fair he told very few people.and he went on with his life.My hat goes off to David for sharing this historic event with us.

These hang tests gave me the confidence (or stupidity - take your pick) to try my first test flight without a tether. This was a very difficult decision to make at the time. I was a young father and husband! I made this decision in part because I have several videos of Kinnie Gibsons' very first training flights and they show the tether actually causing an upset to the man-machine system once airborne. So, between those videos, and the 'lift-transition' training, I decided to make my first flight test untethered.

I first started the project in 1988, working mostly to develop methods to produce 92% HTP, and testing small peroxide thrusters. I started building the belt in '93, and that first attempted flight test was made in the summer of '94. I can't call it an actual flight because total thrust was about or slightly less than gross weight, so I just kind of bunny hopped or drifted around on the ground. Here's what happened: I had enough fuel onboard calculated to give twelve seconds operation at full power. After reviewing the post-test flight video, I realized the fuel ran for about 26 seconds, and that I had a serious flow restriction somewhere. I went back and re-checked everything (I had already flow-tested the throttle valve and rocket motor so I was pretty certain they weren't at fault). When I mic'ed the off-the-shelf fuel line, the I.D. turned out to be about 25% smaller than what the manufacturer claimed. I replaced the line with a much larger I.D. one, and rechecked flow through the entire system. I then readied the belt for another test.

It had taken me two weeks of full-time preparation to get ready for that first test (making, assaying and mixing fuel, etc.), and I never got around to taking another two weeks off work just for the purpose of another test before I wound up selling the entire project to Tom Edelston.

Hydrogen Peroxide preparation

I distilled the peroxide from 50% feedstock.

It was imperative to use a vacuum fraction process that DID NOT allow the stabilizers to distill over, otherwise they would become concentrated along with the peroxide. I have all the temperatures, times, flowrates, vacuum levels, etc. in my notes.

It was also imperative to avoid an explosive vapor condition (concentration vs. temperature vs. pressure) in the process. This is done by working in a region of the temperature-pressure-concentration curve outside the explosive limits. I have all this data as well, and it is a documented part of my process. The explosive limits were established by a group working for the military at Frankford arsenal. [I have the tech docs.]

Also, it is not possible, or rather it is very difficult, to distill the peroxide to the exact desired concentration in a batch process. Although my process could be operated continuosly, but I didn't want to handle large quantities at a time. Therefore, the best way is to produce peroxide of an exact concentration, is to produce a concentration HIGHER than required, ASSAY it very accurately, and then back-dilute it with 50% peroxide to the final required strength.

For my rocketbelt, I chose 92% as the final desired concentration for use in my motor. This choice was not trivial. Most people know that lower concentrations produce less power, and most people know that higher concentrations decompose at higher temperature. I assume that most people have a copy of the decomposition temperature versus concentration curve for peroxide. However, what very few people know (or knew back when I was doing this) is that the melting point of Silver changes as a function of Oxygen fugacity. This means that while Silver, like all other Elements, has a definite and constant melting point under STP conditions, the melting point becomes depressed in a high partial pressure of Oxygen! And when peroxide decomposes it produces a lot of Oxygen. Therefore, if you were to look at the normal decomposition temperature of 94~96% peroxide*, it would be just above the normal, published melting point of Silver. Yet in fact, in a high concentration of Oxygen the melting point of Silver is actually lower than this decomposition temperature and thus can lead to either melting or excessive erosion of the catalyst pack. [*I have the actual numbers for m.p. depression and decomp. temps. in my notes - 94-96% is my best recollection right now]. Therefore, I chose a concentration of 92% so as to always be below this deperessed m.p. value for Silver. I also found a way to make inexpensive but very effective and long-lived catalyst screens that did not require solid Silver wire, but rather electrodeposited silver on another substrate. The manner and type of deposition was very important - I did this work myself - normal "Silverplating" like a plating shop would do was almost useless. Again, I found 92% to be very compatible with the screens I made.

In order to make exactly 92% peroxide, I needed a way to very accurately assay the distillate to know what the exact concentration was. I have a lab procedure using chemical analysis that gives a very accurate result - far better than gravimetric assay, or boiling point determination. I produced a written document that very accurately describes this process, as well as the calculations required to perform the back dilution. (About 12 pages, if I recall...still haven't found everything...)

As I said on the phone, I always used two or three fractionation stages to get from 55% to ~94%. Two stages will work, but the process rate is much slower. Some of my early stills would make about 500ml per hour. Not very fast. The rate limiting factor was the rate at which I could flash vaporise peroxide feedstock into the still (which still remaining in the safe temperature / pressure envelope). That's why I built the wiped film evaporator shown in the picture I sent you earlier. I've built at least six stills; four glass and two from stainless steel. I've had two explosions, both with glass stills and both due to failures of the glassware under vaccum. The glass imploded, and then the peroxide vapor, since it was no longer within the safe pressure envelope, exploded. - instantly. This is why my last two stills were stainless steel. I've had no problems with them, and made more peroxide with them than all the others (although the yield was slightly less). I have a seventh that I started but never completed. It was to be the largest yet. I still have the components for it...but as I said over the phone I dumped the last of my 50% peroxide a couple of years back. Years ago I also started on some equipment (also unfinished) for the electrolytic production of peroxide,

Finally, I did not restabilize my peroxide. I thought about it, but I decided against it. I kept it very clean, very pure, and did not store it for long. Pretty much always made it just before use. I do have some data however on which stabilizers are safe to use, and which are not (they will 'poison' the Silver catalyst), and the concentrations required.

Click on pictures below to enlarge
These photos show my throttle valve externally and internally.

This photo shows my catalyst chamber / rocket motor, and one of the Samarium Oxide-treated Silver catalyst pack screens. I punched these out on a 15-ton OBI press with a die-set I made myself. I applied the coating using a Samarium Nitrate solution and oxidizing it at high temperature. I also tried electrodepositing some Samarium but those screens weren't as reactive, so I didn't use them. I made a small rocket motor to test small experimental catalyst screens until I got some that were both highly reactive and wouldn't let the motor flood or become inert with use. The Samarium Oxide coated Silver ones were the best.
The photos below show my finished belt, a hang test, and the first hot test (on a stand). The first hot test is right after HTP hit the motor, before it heated and the steam became superheated (transparent). The hang test served two purposes: One, obviously to test the structural integrity of the belt and the fit and comfort of the corset. The other purpose was to allow myself to be repeatedly yanked off my feet so I could get used to the weight shift that occurs as a rocketbelt pilot transitions from being supported by his feet to being supported from the rocket nozzles / corset harness.


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