Some of the readers of this site might wonder why I am building
a new Rocket Belt. My answer is simple. If I can improve something
that I have built in the past, I will. That's if I still have
interest in the same project. Right now I am highly motivated
and have a passion for Rocket and Jet Belts. I truly want
to share this passion with others.
I want to point out that I am no expert, but I am a gifted
builder. Over the years I have learned a lot about Hydrogen
Peroxide rockets from James McCormick, Bill Frederick, Dick
Keller, Ray Dausman, Craig Breedlove, Doug Malewicki and Andy
The big thing that I have going for me is I have over 40 years
of practical experience building and racing rocket powered
I am pretty confident that no one on this earth has built
more Rocket powered vehicles then I have. I have named my
new Rocket Belt "The Ky Michaelson 007 Rocket Belt"
not because of the James Bond movie, but because over the
years the number 7 has turned out to be a lucky one for me.
It is my goal to take lots of pictures of my new 007 Belt
as I build it and share them with you. For those of you that
have the same dreams and aspirations as I do, hopeful this
project will help you out. I am not saying this is how you
should build your Rocket Belt. But it is how I would build
a Rocket Belt.
Please be careful to get as much information on your own so
that you fully understand what you are doing, before you start
building your own Rocket Belt.
Ky Michaelson
Rocketman Since 1951
The first thing I started to build is the Corset. I decided
I wanted the Rocket Belt to have a futuristic look, seeing
I am calling it the 007 Rocket Belt.
So I started with the Corset so I could set the tone of the
Rocket Belt, that I wanted to achieve. I started out by ordering
two sheets of 90 thousands thick 5052 aluminum sheets from
Discount steel in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
I cut and rolled three pieces. One for the hips, one for the
shoulders and one to protect the head.
After I mount the tanks I will shape and do a little more
cutting on the corset.
I have ordered my peroxide and nitrogen tanks. As soon as
I receive them I will build the brackets to hold them unto
the corset.