Rocket Chairs
Ky Michaelson's Rocket Chair

The Rocketman's newest creation to come out of his shop is his Rocket Chair. In 1965 Bell built a Rocket Chair using a standard chair out of the Bell commissary (pictured below). Ky Has come up with innovative Rocket Chair that has four nozzles for added stability. The chair has a 500 lb thrust rocket motor on it and carries seven gallons of hydrogen peroxide. The Rocket Chair will have a flight time of over 30 seconds and will be easier to fly then the standard Rocket Belt.

Click on pictures below to enlarge

Back of the chair showing all of the plumbing and throttle valve built by Ky.

Back of the chair showing the three fuel tanks.

Close up of tanks and regulator.

Close up of rocket motor and throttle valve.

Close up of controls.

The one and only Bill suitor checking out Ky's
Rocket Chair.

Robert Courter in the Bell Rocket Chair.

John Spencer, Chief test pilot for Bell in Ky's
Rocket Chair.

Rocket Chair & Pogo

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